Kangra is around 460km from New Delhi and buses are available which run from New Delhi to kangra and vice verca. All the buses coming from New Delhi have to pass from Chandigarh which is 223km from kangra and it take approximately 6-7 hours from Chandigarh to Kangra. Roads are all perfect one can come in his/her car and there is no risk of being robbed. Its a safe place to visit and to live.
Kangra Nagarkot Fort- This fort is situated at approx 5Km from Kangra Bus Stand on Chandigarh Road.This is a beautiful place to visit. A visitor may view down the river flowing which presents a dashing view. 2. Bajreshwari Devi Temple. This is a famous temple of north India. People from far states like UP, Bihar, Punjab comes to visit this temple. 3. Gupt Ganga Dham. This place is approx 2 km from BUS stand and approx 500 m from Kotwali Bazar. There is a swimming pool where people can enjoy swimming also one can stay here for minimal cost